Stop sending broken/unsafe equipment back out on the job!

Equipment breaks down. Its part of production and nature of our industry. It’s OK. But continously sending damaged equipment back into the field is NOT ok. Here’s how to break the cycle…

How can I hire someone who hasn’t applied?

Turnover is par for the course in Carpet Cleaning and Restoration companies. However there really are good employee candidates out there. Steve offers some suggestions for finding (and holding on to) the best.

Can you help me to “forward schedule”?

Steve does the old “good news/bad news” routine with an Australian carpet cleaner. But even Steve’s “tough love” is positive for this family run business…

How can I get regular accounts?

A SFS graduate has been practicing his “cold call” techniques on his past accounts. Steve stresses the need to get the “Law of Large Numbers” on his side and to offer “zoned cleanings”.

So what can SFS: “Business Transformation” do for you?

The Strategies for Success program has always been the industry’s “Gold Standard” for business building help. Now Steve says SFS is even better for 2013…