Communicating your marketing message with emotions
The average cleaner and his client are more different than they are alike. Bill analyzes the emotions of the typical customer and what it means for you.
The average cleaner and his client are more different than they are alike. Bill analyzes the emotions of the typical customer and what it means for you.
Most cleaning business owners believe that their workforce would perform better if only they could pay their people more. In other words, better monetary rewards = motivated employees. Motivation guru Dan Pink reveals why this is a flawed assumption.
Learn how to “double dip” from your customer feedback with a fun contest on “Making the Cheerleader”!
Getting customer feedback is vital for any business. Steve shares how you can get “maximum mileage” out of the time-honored Customer Comment Cards …
A San Diego carpet cleaner has some equipment but lacks experience. Even more importantly he doesn’t have any JOBS! Steve shares how to sell commercial contract carpet cleaning …
All cleaners; technicians, managers and owner-operators can benefit from better time management. Chuck suggests cleaning professionals stop focusing on HOW to “save” time and concentrate more on WHERE they “invest” time.
Do these New Year’s Resolutions sound familiar- healthier food, more exercise, drink less, sending your SFS QuickTips to that slave driver Toburen? Well the Heath brothers, authors of “Switch” share 5 short tips that will make 2011 different for YOU!
Cleaners get nervous when its time to quit the day job and go full speed ahead with their new cleaning venture. Bill Yeadon shares his insights after helping many budding cleaning entrepreneurs make the jump!
Recently, I ran across a quote in a new book that really made me sit down and think about the meaning. The quote was from Abraham Maslow, famous for Maslows Hierarchy of Needs…
Most of us entered the carpet cleaning industry by the “back door”- as technicians first. No shame in that. But sooner or later most carpet cleaners must morph into being a “leader” in their company. Being a good leader is both simpler and infinitely more difficult than you may have ever imagined …
Do you ever feel like you are leading the troops in a daily war? Chuck Violand brings up that your soldier employees need much more than a pay check. They need emotional support and comfort. How can you deliver? One great way is with FOOD!
Do you “fritter away days”? Chuck Violand fights this tendency to waste time. Read here Chuck’s musings on how to avoid this destructive habit and live your life to its full potential.
Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …
Do you like your job? Do your techs and office staff like their jobs? Do you know OR are you afraid to ask them? Insights to both their and your motivations can give some engaging and maybe even frightening answers …
Many, many cleaners have success with door hangers. Motivating your carpet cleaning techs to actually distribute them is another story. So how do you “git ‘er done” when you have recalcitrant employees?