Motivate employees with more than “just a pay check”
Employees apply for a job because they need a paycheck. Motivate employees to stay and prosper for these reasons.
Employees apply for a job because they need a paycheck. Motivate employees to stay and prosper for these reasons.
Should this restorer start a restoration company of his own? There are no easy answers. Steve invites all cleaners and restorers to first establish goals.
Improve your worker’s sense of self worth and you will create long term employees who love their job.
How to work through adversity and stay on the path to success and sustained growth
Start With Why has its own simple philosophy “people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
The boss doesn’t have to flaunt her authority by threatening people and the business owner certainly shouldn’t try to bully someone into higher performance.
The starting point to gain focus in your business today is to have a crystal clear vision of where your company is headed tomorrow. The vision I’m talking about doesn’t have to be fancy and it doesn’t have to be framed and hung on a wall.
Evaluation and performance tracking systems require well thought-out and careful thought. ESPECIALLY with employee motivation/performance systems it is very important to avoid the “ready-fire-aim” syndrome! Here’s some ideas …
Your employees (present or future) will always be your most valuable asset. Chuck shares some thoughts on developing “engaged” employees.
Chuck Violand asks some uncomfortable questions about misplaced loyalty to marginal employees. It is time to reflect on your people…
24 hour emergency call-outs are just part of the game in a cleaning and restoration business. So make like easy (and lucrative) for your employees…
A successful Oregon cleaning and restoration entrepreneur is empowering his project managers and other employees. Now they will be more fulfilled while the owner can focus on what he does best.
Regardless if you are speaking to senior managers, secretaries, technicians, or sales reps, they all need these 3 common elements when we ask them to do something new.
Let’s be honest here. Few people brag about being a carpet cleaning tech! So Steve says you must motivate your employees with “Public Recognition”. (And get some free marketing for your company at the same time!)
Chuck’s wrap-up on being a better business owner. By mastering the executive skill-set you will give yourself a big advantage in leading your company to success.