Where is the REAL (and easy) money?
An Australian carpet cleaner wants to make more money while he is already in the home. So what other profitable services can he offer? Steve weighs in …
An Australian carpet cleaner wants to make more money while he is already in the home. So what other profitable services can he offer? Steve weighs in …
Your employees can be wonderful Cheerleaders for your company and services. Here is one idea to help them become more vocal in advocating add-on sales.
A new carpet cleaner is getting whip-sawed from both sides. Steve tries to bring a bit of sanity and balance to the eternal question, “How much should I charge?”
One of our favorite SFS acronyms: “KISS” as in: “Keep It Simple, Sally”! Sometimes even the simplest of gestures can make the biggest impressions. Here is one “tasty” Cheerleader making idea to implement with your staff …
Our Strategies for Success member has captured the interest of a big commercial account. But he finds actually generating the proposal to be a daunting task. But fear not! Steve rides to the rescue with a step-by-step answer …
Steve waxes nostalgic when asked about his “success time-line” and then shares a few bone-headed mistakes he made over the years so you can avoid them!
For far too long carpet cleaners have used the phone book as their marketing crutch. Could it be that they are finally getting the message …
It is so easy to get intimidated by the “big boys”. But Steve explains that there is a silver lining to this very scary cloud …
Being in the carpet cleaning business many of you have some real horror stories. I think this one about Ricko the Rhino will top them all. Calling all stain and odor experts>
Steve shares his painfully learned lesson on not ignoring the simple and proven marketing tools out there and poses a thought-provoking question for you.
How is your business card influencing your business? Make it an asset. Bill shares a classic resource for making whatever you design WORK and represent you as a professional.
Look here for an easy idea to keep your Newsletter fresh, fun and engaging.
Now I’m not going to flog my sojourn down in the trenches of remodeling but let me share one anecdote that includes a lesson for all of us in the service industries.
Watch it, folks. Steve is off on one of his rants about customer service and this time he is more fired up than usual …