Oh no! It is New Year’s Resolutions time!

Do these New Year’s Resolutions sound familiar- healthier food, more exercise, drink less, sending your SFS QuickTips to that slave driver Toburen? Well the Heath brothers, authors of “Switch” share 5 short tips that will make 2011 different for YOU!

Words to live by and not just for carpet cleaners either!!!

How do you sum up life in one paragraph? Does it even remotely involve your truck mount, pre-spray, cleaning solution or other cleaning equipment? We sure hope not! Brian Dyson of Coca Cola has done a very nice job of helping everyone (carpet cleaning and restoration professionals included) keep focused on the really important things in life …

Brand Sense- marketing cleaning services through the five senses

In this summary of “Brand Sense…Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound” Bill Yeadon explains how the five senses can affect your customer AND what they FEEL about your service …