How to ‘compete’ for the Very Best People!
NEVER do “Desperation Hiring”! Instead, find the very best people as an ongoing process. Here’s 6 great ideas how to do it on a regular basis.
Tried and proven Techniques, Ideas, Procedures and Systems (TIPS) that have been submitted from Strategies For Success members. If you would like to join the fun you can submit your own as well!
NEVER do “Desperation Hiring”! Instead, find the very best people as an ongoing process. Here’s 6 great ideas how to do it on a regular basis.
Head off winter health issues before they happen. Check out these economical and easy solutions.
7 steps to take now for building your company into a true Critical Mass Business and getting off the truck while you are still having fun.
Clipboards are a great “stage prop” for an often nervous technician. (And for you too!) Maximize the benefits regardless your industry…
If you want a Critical Mass Business (one that can run well without you) it can’t be “all about you”. You have to learn to communicate well.
Steve Toburen provides seven guidelines to price commercial work. Stop “guessing” and start closing more profitable commercial contracts.
The potential customer asks you for your price. How do you respond? Steve shares his favorite commercial price request response.
How do you envision “sales calls”? Steve Toburen offers a fresh take on the sales process. Pick and choose from these transformational ideas.
Follow this 5-step Preinspection Format the first time you price any job to increase sales and make more Cheerleaders.
Does a residential cleaning preinspection save money or waste money? Consider these advantages for pre-inspecting new clients.
Keep BOTH options open by asking your caller “Qualifying Phone Questions”
It can be ohhh so tempting to be over zealous in jamming one more job into the morning or afternoon. Even if it means sacrificing true “punctuality”.
Negative online reviews are a tempting way to vent. Your problem? A negative review can stick around “forever”!