How can I motivate my sales staff?

A California cleaning, restoration and flooring sales company owner is struggling with “demotivated” sales people. Steve shares some principles on how to run an upbeat sales meeting and how to help your staff (or you!) sell more jobs!

“Bribe” your on-call techs!

24 hour emergency call-outs are just part of the game in a cleaning and restoration business. So make like easy (and lucrative) for your employees…

The causes of “Swarm Management”- Part II

As a company grows, it’s easy to lose control. If you aren’t careful the company morphs into a creature that nobody recognizes and is neither efficient nor a fun place to work at!

Can you ‘Build your Business’ with SFS?

You have spent years building a good company- why not invest 5 days in 2013 to make it truly great AND in the process discover new personal freedom?