How to Transform Your Restoration Business

Steve shares how to “transform” your company by focusing on the “Emotional Dynamics” of the home owner’s loss. (Even if you don’t offer restoration now many of the same principles apply in carpet cleaning too!)

12 Secrets for a Smoother Running Restoration Business

Obviously no 12 point Report is going to cover everything you need for success in restoration, but our guess is you will find downloading “12 Secrets for a Smoother Running Restoration Business” well worth your time.

“Bribe” your on-call techs!

24 hour emergency call-outs are just part of the game in a cleaning and restoration business. So make like easy (and lucrative) for your employees…

Mike Lamunyon: “I was ready to have a nervous breakdown before SFS!”

Mike reminisces on the growth of his restoration business and how Jon-Don and the SFS program have been his “Partners for Success”…

Restoration: Breaking through the PSP barrier?

So how can a water damage restoration company “break through the clutter” of an adjuster’s day? How can you get him or her to focus on the superior value and savings you provide?

The owner won’t sign over the insurance check- HELP!

A recent USA Today survey says 21% of homes in the US are worth less than the mortgage. Steve tells you how to protect yourself BEFORE you start remediation on these “underwater” houses that are really flooded!