How can I hire someone who hasn’t applied?

Turnover is par for the course in Carpet Cleaning and Restoration companies. However there really are good employee candidates out there. Steve offers some suggestions for finding (and holding on to) the best.

“Steve, why are my techs such pigs?”

A Nevada carpet cleaner is struggling with “don’t give a darn” employees. Steve shares how he solved the same problem in his company.

What are the best evaluation methods to use with our staff?

Evaluation and performance tracking systems require well thought-out and careful thought. ESPECIALLY with employee motivation/performance systems it is very important to avoid the “ready-fire-aim” syndrome! Here’s some ideas …

How can I get my techs to be more like me?

Don’t expect to find clones of yourself in the employee marketplace. (And that’s a good thing!) Instead, Steve Toburen gives some alternatives to flogging your current employees.

“Bribe” your on-call techs!

24 hour emergency call-outs are just part of the game in a cleaning and restoration business. So make like easy (and lucrative) for your employees…

Praise employees AND promote your company

Let’s be honest here. Few people brag about being a carpet cleaning tech! So Steve says you must motivate your employees with “Public Recognition”. (And get some free marketing for your company at the same time!)

Frustrated with the “new” generation of employees?

It may be the most common lament from SFS members- “These young people don’t want to work like I did when I was young!” True … AND False. Big Billy shares two expert views of the “Millenials” entering the workplace…