Buying a business versus “starting from scratch”?
Believe it or not, many folks from “outside” think this is an industry worth investing in. Steve shares a little start-up advice with one budding carpet cleaning entrepreneur …
Believe it or not, many folks from “outside” think this is an industry worth investing in. Steve shares a little start-up advice with one budding carpet cleaning entrepreneur …
Carpet cleaners all over the world fall into the old “just gimme an estimate” trap with potential carpet cleaning customers. Fight back with this simple change in terminology …
How you dress influences how others view you and how you view yourself. There are few rules. See what works for you.
It drove me absolutely nuts when my company was blamed for the customer’s pre-existing problem(s)! However usually they (and I) were innocent victims of a weird psychological phenomenon I’ve dubbed … “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”! (HAS)
So what if your “on-call” workers decide to file for unemployment? Steve can’t (won’t) give legal advice but as usual he has a few observations. After all, when does he not have an opinion!
Sure, you will hit “rejection”. Expect it! But don’t give up easily! First, “smoke out” their true objection and try to get to “yes”. Then is you still can’t close the deal leave the door open…
Value Added Service can greatly increase your repeat business but it doesn’t guarantee it. How can you increase your chances?
“Consultant selling” means morphing yourself from being a desperate salesperson into a “concerned consultant”. So now you and your client become a team searching for a practical solution to a shared challenge.
Let’s see if we can help a “new boy” in Reno. He started out on the right track by picking a great industry IF he “does it right” …
Even slightly damp carpets can leave a bad impression on the homeowner. (Even worse if they slip and fall!) Use this simple TIP to create a positive Moment of Truth out of a slippery situation!
When your starting out, any work is a blessing. Read Steve’s advice to one sub-contractor.
Talk is cheap- seeing is believing. Use a photo album to help your new clients “pre-visualize” your services, and the final result in their home.
Steve focuses on what is probably the most common and certainly most agonizing question facing carpet cleaning owner-operators …
Display your generosity and at the same time allow your preferred market base to get a glimpse of your awesome carpet cleaning skills and your Value Added Service!
Every carpet cleaner wants to make the maximum profit out of each job. But there are pitfalls along the way for those who get a bit too greedy. (Don’t ask Steve how he found this out!)