Affluenza … where does it start? – Part 2
As ridiculous as this might sound, handling finances and financial success is a learned skill.
As ridiculous as this might sound, handling finances and financial success is a learned skill.
It is vital to communicate to employees your company’s daily, weekly and long term priorities. Here’s one way to do it …
How you decide to care for your online marketing needs is up to you. Just don’t put up your website and then go on “auto-pilot” and ignore big changes.
All customers want to FEEL like they are in control! Here’s how you can give them the “ILLUSION of Control”…
The virus to which I’m referring is still alive, well and thriving in far too many companies.
In business you can feel good about generously giving to others and yet ALSO be well-compensated in return. It’s called reciprocity.
Listen carefully: The vast majority of your “Why are you so expensive…?” customers don’t really care about price!
Most of us have an over-active need for the approval of others. In the process, we let other people or things get in the way of what we could (and should) be. Even worse, we don’t achieve what we personally want out of life.
Communication systems help avoid costly misunderstandings and promote a professional, trusting relationship.
By “pre-communicating” both you and your client 1) avoid ugly surprises and 2) develop a mutually respectful professional relationship.
What is the one common denominator of all the different “results” that our industry provides?
The phrases you (and your employees) use with the client can define you as a true professional.
Please see David Pollay’s excellent book “The Law of the Garbage Truck”
Your best tech just quit! Be able to hire great people immediately when the need arises with these 5 steps.
Improve your worker’s sense of self worth and you will create long term employees who love their job.