Are carpet cleaning door to door sales calls worth my time?
A Tennessee carpet cleaner wants more cleaning work but isn’t quite ready to take the door-to-door plunge. Steve gives him some perspective on his time management …
A Tennessee carpet cleaner wants more cleaning work but isn’t quite ready to take the door-to-door plunge. Steve gives him some perspective on his time management …
Outside of arguing about the best truck mount (which invariably is owned by the person talking) there is nothing that causes more disagreement among carpet cleaners than “how to price” the job. My take? They all work! Let me explain why …
After an extended absence from our industry an independent cleaner is looking to get back in the game. He’s looking for a shortcut to success but as usual Steve tells it like it is …
Are you enjoying the lifestyle benefits of living in the countryside? GREAT! This small town carpet cleaner asks, “Can I build a ‘real business’ in a market base of only 30,000 people?” Steve shares how he did it …
How’s that for a headline? Did it perk your interest? It should as it used two rules for writing headlines: 1) get self interest in your headline and 2) use a question. But this post is not about headlines. It is about Influence …
Before you get the answers let me explain the purpose of the quiz. It ultimately comes down to the term “anchoring”. What is “anchoring” and how does it affect the structure of your cleaning prices? Read on …
College can be a wonderful gift and a great opportunity. OR it can be a four, five or six year party that wastes time and money. After reading a New York Times article Steve reflects on today’s cleaning workforce …
Here is a simple 3 question quiz that will help you understand how people buy your carpet cleaning services. Please contribute your answers and then we’ll analyze this pricing/buying topic on a deeper level …
Five days of concentrated attention on the basics of finances, marketing, infrastructure and Value Added Service for carpet cleaning and restoration businesses can do wonders. Just see what these 38 cleaners had to say about their experience last week.
An Idaho carpet cleaner searches for ways to “differentiate” himself from the run-of-the-mill price-slashing carpet cleaner. Steve tweaks the original idea to promote more Scotchgard sales, improve customer loyalty and cleaning frequency and above all else dramatically increase profits!
Does even the word “Social Media” intimidate you? Is everything just too confusing? Do you still manage to play your 8-track tapes in your cleaning service truck? Is that what’s bothering you Binky? Well, help is on the way from our “friends” at Microsoft …
Owners of cleaning and restoration companies of all sizes from the Atlanta area and across the country are scheduled to spend 5 days learning the ends and outs of pushing their business operation on to greater profits and efficiency.
Carpet cleaning business owners can do well by taking a lesson from small children. Kids are by nature inquisitive and take in enormous amounts of information (also called “learning”) by asking questions. Sadly, as we grow older we lose this essential “growth trait”. Chuck Violand weighs in on why and how you should rekindle your curiosity and start asking some so-called “stupid questions” …
I think we all agree that men and women are different! So if you are marketing to residential carpet cleaning customers, shouldn’t you design your website to appeal to women? Well apparently MSN thinks so! Find out why and see how the new MSN site compares to the old.
Chuck Violand sums up his recent posts comparing your carpet cleaning and/or restoration business to different types of sailing vessels with a few reminders for you, the captain of the boat. Chuck’s thoughts could mean the difference between a successful voyage or the disastrous “shipwreck” of your business …