How “Duct Tape Marketing” can help a small carpet cleaner …

Most readers of this web site are great carpet cleaners and even better people! (After all, every single site contributor on here comes from the cleaning industry!) But as a group, carpet cleaners’ marketing skills stink! Big Billy Yeadon offers some “Duct Tape” to patch up your marketing techniques …

How commercial “encapsulation” cleaning transformed my company!

VAST instructor, Jeff Cutshall, not only will dramatically improve your technician’s attitudes and actions in the customer’s home- he also runs his own commercial carpet cleaning business. Jeff shares how his company has cleaned up big time with “encapsulation” and just why you should get on board …

The world of steady, profitable commercial work is really tempting me!

Regular cash flow, your very own production schedule, a steadily appreciating asset and best of all … less interaction with an at times difficult and demanding residential customer. So what’s not to like? Will this carpet cleaner’s dreams of profit in commercial maintenance work be fulfilled? Steve Toburen gives his prognosis …

“Baking bread” by developing your cleaning/restoration business managers OR maybe just yourself!

There is a very thin line between “controlled delegation of authority”(good) and “total abdication of responsibility”(bad)! Chuck Violand has been reflecting on this struggle as he engages in his favorite hobby- baking bread!

So can a carpet cleaner “cash out” at a young enough age to actually ENJOY retirement?

It is the “unspoken dread” among cleaning professionals. Sure, we make a lot of money and have all the toys. But many carpet cleaners worry about ever achieving true financial independence while they are still young enough to enjoy it! Steve Toburen shares how he retired from full time business at the age of 38 by giving readers two great links and one even more important date in Las Vegas next September …

How can cleaning and restoration contractors ‘differentiate’ themselves from their competitors?

Bill Yeadon starts each marketing class at SFS by asking “How do you ‘differentiate’ yourself from the competition?” This is one of the hardest questions you as a carpet cleaner will ever answer. A recent post by Steve Yastrow not only explains why this “differentiation process” is important but also explores a unique way of how to do it …

Dramatically increase your carpet cleaning profits with this “protected with Scotchgard” question!

This one simple question will super-charge your carpet protector sales AND put extra dollars in your pocket! Marketing Scotchgard is as simple as interviewing the customer and giving them their options. But even before this you need to ask the “Scotchgard Question” …

The deadly trap of “assuming” when hiring carpet cleaning/restoration managers …

Many times your job applicants aren’t liars. However, they may be “overly optimistic”. Other times they may be simply clueless! This is bad enough when hiring a new technician. But it can be disastrous for your carpet cleaning business when you take a managerial applicant’s previous work experience at face value …

What can carpet cleaners learn from Disney?

Cleaners and restorers can learn a lot about how to run their operations from the legendary Walt Disney. After 55 years, Disney continues to be the most visited place in America. As with so many other things in life, it is focus on the little things that makes the difference …

The Great Carpet Cleaning Pricing Debate- Part II

Big Billy Yeadon weighs in with what may be the most profitable way to price your carpet cleaning services as an owner-operator. In the final analysis it will be up to you. But first check out Bill’s musings …