How can you motivate your carpet cleaning or restoration employees?

Do you like your job? Do your techs and office staff like their jobs? Do you know OR are you afraid to ask them? Insights to both their and your motivations can give some engaging and maybe even frightening answers …

“Information age” to the “conceptual age”- where do I fit in?

You may be “just a carpet cleaner” but have you ever been accused of being “a blue-sky person”? Do you recall information better when it is explained in story form? Have you noticed that one of your child’s favorite sayings is “Mommy, read me a story?” If your head is nodding up and down, you are going to love this book.

Did you know your carpet cleaning technicians are “addicts”?

You would never knowingly hire a heroin addict, would you? And yet you are allowing another equally insidious addiction to continue without trying to stamp it out. Steve shares one sure-fire (but very painful) “tough love” approach …

Which type of carpet cleaning business “boat” will you choose to sail on?

Chuck Violand has been kicking off the Strategies for Success seminar for the last couple of years reflecting on his love of boats … and how different business models are like varied boats- all of which require different skills and tactics to avoid a tragic shipwreck. So which type of boat are you skippering? Check back in frequently to see Chuck’s latest thoughts …

I’m getting beat up on this upholstery cleaning job!

A harried Florida cleaner is battling an upholstery cleaning problem. Steve explains that sometimes the best thing to do is “throw in your cards” but do so with honor and dignity …

What can carpet cleaners take away from the Toyota mess?

As a professional carpet cleaning entrepreneur you have built a great and unshakable reputation for quality. Or have you? Steve Toburen analyzes how a complacent attitude can quickly sink a recognized world leader in quality …

No Waiting, Read This Post Now!

I was going to write this blog post in 2009 but then I put it off! So I rationalized that all you carpet cleaning and restoration professionals out there could wait for the new year. I can’t believe 2010 is already here. Be sure to read this blog post right away. Set a deadline! (Unlike me!)

10 Questions Every Cleaning and Restoration Business Should Ask!

Check out these 10 questions that just may keep you from joining the 80% of start-up businesses that fail within their first decade. Then share with your fellow board members other vital questions that have kept you safe, sane and profitable …

One carpet cleaner’s house building odyssey after attending “Strategies for Success” …

Good morning, Steve,

Even though I own my own carpet cleaning business I have also been building my own house and contracting it out myself. The people I am coming across are astounding! These “professional” businesses and contractors have absolutely no customer service.

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Stay Focused!!!

“I solve problems. That is what I do.” How often have you thought that this mantra essentially sums up your business life as a carpet cleaner? And yet Chuck Violand shows that this constant “desperation problem solving” may actually hinder instead of help your cleaning business …