Your employees feel they deserve a regular pay check! BUMMER!
You got to pay your employees! Steve offers 4 ways to boost your income stream and stay busy regardless of season or market area ups and downs.
You got to pay your employees! Steve offers 4 ways to boost your income stream and stay busy regardless of season or market area ups and downs.
Steve explains how to leverage your employee rewards for excellent marketing opportunities.
Steve Toburen weighs in on how to create a “beautiful” company that will attract high-end clients, long term employees and most importantly a business buyer that is lusting to possess your company!
NEVER do “Desperation Hiring”! Instead, find the very best people as an ongoing process. Here’s 6 great ideas how to do it on a regular basis.
So are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Share the load with your people (and help them stay honest too!) with this Special Report: “Adding Employee Accountability in Your Company”!
Choose your own path to business growth. This report helps you avoid common pitfalls while finding the path that best suits you and your life goals.
What does it really mean to value you workforce as your greatest asset? Few cleaning and restoration companies live up to their claims of caring for their employees. How do you measure up? Does it really matter?
Steve shares how to “transform” your company by focusing on the “Emotional Dynamics” of the home owner’s loss. (Even if you don’t offer restoration now many of the same principles apply in carpet cleaning too!)
All compensation arrangements have pros and cons. Steve reviews the options for commercial and other business models to pay techs.
This simple checklist consistently guides your front-line service worker’s relationship with your clients
Develop a solid and consistent work routine that avoids carbon monoxide.
Frustrated with high labor overhead? If you have employees it is an issue that requires attention. Steve offers 4 recommendations to offset the costs.
“Putting on the on the Customer’s Eyeglasses” is my term for looking at yourself (and your actions on the job) through the eyes of your client.
It IS possible to find better employees in the cleaning and restoration industry. Follow these 7 tips to start the process today.