Painting Your Success- Part 1
Every day you wake up with a choice- will you create something totally original or just keep following the crowd?
Every day you wake up with a choice- will you create something totally original or just keep following the crowd?
“Followership” plays an important role in being an effective leader. Chuck Violand shares three more suggestions to help you develop your followership skills.
What can you learn from a 100 year old race to the South Pole or more recently on Everest? How can the leadership styles displayed there affect your business? Read on…
While leadership is all the rage, Chuck Violand thinks it’s time to build a case for followership. After all, following is a critical component of being an effective leader.
Ask yourself these three questions every time you become frustrated in your business. Then apply your answers for positive change in your company.
Everybody wants to work for a winner. They want to follow someone who steps up and tries new things, even if it means striking out occasionally. You may not hit a home run but you just might get an extra base hit!
Who’s responsible for planning your time today? Chuck reminds us that what you accomplish each day has a cumulative effect on your business.
Everyone knows Big Billy has always been addicted to the coffee at Starbucks. Now his latest Starbucks experience has turned him into a raving fan. Future SFS attendees be warned …
Chuck and Steve go beyond the percentages with some penetrating questions to help a Philly based cleaner find new clients.
SFS instructor Chuck Violand reflects on the age-old entrepreneurial struggle between the important long-term vision and the urgent short-term reality…
Best Buy should be King of the retail electronics world. So what went wrong? What lessons can a small business learn from the mistakes of Best Buy?
How many times have you screamed, “Don’t just stand there- DO SOMETHING!” SFS instructor Chuck Violand explains the best strategy may be to “do nothing”…
What Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and Microsoft achieve over the next 5 years will have a HUGE affect on your company and your life. Bill shares insights from two new ground breaking books …
People hire on with you for you for a pay check. (Duh!) BUT they stay long term because they “buy in” emotionally to the family atmosphere and shared vision you have created. Read on for how to do it …
A departing employee will tell you, “I’m leaving for more money”. But normally salary is just the excuse. So HOW can you keep your employees long term?