The why (and how) of the ‘3-Legged Stool’ Business Model!
The beauty of the ‘3-Legged Stool Business Model’ is that each ‘leg’ supports and feeds the other two legs! Let’s examine this ‘3-Legged’ concept …
The beauty of the ‘3-Legged Stool Business Model’ is that each ‘leg’ supports and feeds the other two legs! Let’s examine this ‘3-Legged’ concept …
Let’s recap 2019 with 10 super TIPS that will guide your company to a better future in 2020. Pricing, service, employees, growth … it’s all here.
Far too often we just sort of let circumstances and chance determine our life. As a new calendar year approaches Steve offers some points to ponder…
Your ‘moving billboards’ must be driven safely, responsibly AND courteously! Just what is courteous business driving anyways? We share 5 tips.
Investing in a quality business vehicle wrap will help ‘build your brand’ every single day! Here’s 5 tips to get your money’s worth.
Marketing is a hot topic. And rightly so! What part should your vehicle signage play in your overall plan? Steve shares some valuable principles.
Any death is a tragedy. But when people are killed from blowing off basic safety rules it is just so maddeningly senseless. Avoid this dangerous gas …
Always give priority to winter safety! No matter how busy your cleaning schedule you still must work safely and efficiently.
Don’t do just one thing- use Massive Action by doing many different strategies all at the same time to stay busy all year round!
Build your company based on the emotions of your customer but… NEVER make business decisions emotionally!
Let’s analyze the three synergistic ‘legs’ (business sectors) I recommend in SFS training.
Residential carpet cleaning is the toughest money in our industry! And yet it is the typical starting point for most into the Cleaning and Restoration industry. (Including me!)
It’s a classic question with a twist. Steve shares his favorite compensation factors to take into account regardless of how complex the situation.
What do your technicians hate doing? My company’s point of pain was keeping service vehicles restocked … find a solution to keep your company progressing.
The tech takes the brunt of responsibility in winning Cheerleaders. How can your office staff better support your technicians?