Display your ‘care and concern’ with “Immediate Action”!
Creating Customer Cheerleaders is all about how they feel about YOU … not the work. Value Added Service is based on little details. For example…
Creating Customer Cheerleaders is all about how they feel about YOU … not the work. Value Added Service is based on little details. For example…
When we realize how little we can accomplish on our own and recognize the tremendous contributions others have made to our success, it’s easier to move beyond a “me” focus.
This Personal Protection Inventory List gives each on-location tech their very own PPE bag and makes them accountable.
With this past (and ongoing) winter who knows if we will see “flowers” or more SNOW in the coming months. The only sure thing is that there will be a lot of pent up customer demand to get their homes and buildings clean and fresh smelling very soon!
Clutter is a fire hazard, a Negative MOT and even worse it breeds… more clutter! So here is a No-More-Clutter Checklist
True leadership requires Discipline. Chuck breaks down what this means and how the cleaning and restoration executive can apply this vital characteristic.
Let’s focus on your “prime work space”- your trucks! And yep- I’m gonna hit ya with an old cliche: “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
Getting more done in less time means increased profits. Let’s focus on fewer steps back and forth when setting up on the job.
This Residential “Set-up List” organizes each trip up to the house while still focusing on the all important customer.
Owners that constantly change direction and don’t follow through on any of the plans get the company in trouble.
Meditate on how to keep key similar items “stuck together” in all areas of your business. For example…
The starting point to gain focus in your business today is to have a crystal clear vision of where your company is headed tomorrow. The vision I’m talking about doesn’t have to be fancy and it doesn’t have to be framed and hung on a wall.
In today’s business environment it’s hard to focus on business objectives that extend beyond the next twelve months. However this FOCUS is not optional …
Steve reviews just why you should EXPECT rejection in selling route sales and how to make the sale anyways.
Groundhog Day is a funny movie worth watching, but I must admit it would seem even funnier if it didn’t sound so much like life inside some small businesses