Focusing on the “right” cleaning business goals (Part 2)

Growth for the sake of bragging rights is meaningless, dangerous and might just possibly be fatal to your company. Chuck focuses on how to find the right numbers and how to make them even better.

Strategies for Success Seminar- October, 2011 (Jon-Don Chicago, IL)

“After 15 years in the business, SFS was the most comprehensive, thorough, informative and complete business course available. Anyone in the cleaning or restoration industry (or related fields) should attend. The price of the course is insignificant.”

Strategies for Success Seminar- September, 2011 (Jon-Don St. Louis, MO)

“This seminar is what I have been missing in my business.” “This course will transform our business.” “I’ll recommend SFS until I am blue in the face!”

The destructive results of “Owner Arrogance”

It takes a healthy self-confidence to open and run a small business today. But Chuck Violand reminds you to not let this confidence morph into destructive pride and arrogance.