carpet cleaning marketing
Why you need to ‘convert’ EVERY call! (Part 1)
Your phone ringing will be a total waste of your time and money unless you obsess on this fact…
‘Lead Conversion’ is essential!
How to ‘convert’ an angry client into a Cheerleader!
Fixing a complaint just gets you “even” with your client. Why not invest a few minutes more and create a “Turbo Cheerleader” while you are there anyway?
The WHY and HOW of fixing a complaint QUICKLY and CHEERFULLY!
Fixing complaints is more about good communication than it is about your technical cleaning skills. To turn a bad situation into a positive Moment of Truth you need to do more than just remove the spot. Here’s how to fix the REAL issue …
How to ‘flip’ an angry customer
Dealing with upset customers can take a lot of time and patience. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Follow these three steps to diffuse and convert a tense situation.
Don’t let ’em get away without a fight!
Want to reduce your marketing cost and increase repeat sales? Calculate your customer lifetime value and you will get motivated for customer service.
Marketing during COVID-19
‘TOMA’ stands for ‘Top-Of-Mind Awareness’ which just means your company should ‘come to mind’ when a potential customer in your market is asked about a service you provide.
Looks (and smells) great? It will sell fast!
Offer specialized services to deodorize real estate and you can lock up the real estate agent market. Sweet smelling properties sell fast!
Tap into the ‘real estate agent referral’ market!
Real estate sales are booming. And homeowners turn to their real estate agents to recommendations on showcasing their home. Steve shares how to get agent’s attention ( and referrals) for free!
PLEASE offer more ‘ASO’s’ than just protector!
These Additional Service Options will bring you huge profits IF you give your client the PRIVILEGE to spend more money with you!
‘Clean up’ BIG TIME with Spring Home Shows!
Win new customers at Spring Home Shows. Steve shares multiple tips to get the best return for your efforts at trade shows this spring.
The ‘why’ of business vehicle signage…
Marketing is a hot topic. And rightly so! What part should your vehicle signage play in your overall plan? Steve shares some valuable principles.
Book winter work now to stay busy all year round
Don’t do just one thing- use Massive Action by doing many different strategies all at the same time to stay busy all year round!
Your two word sales objection busting reply!
How can you “cuddle up” to a difficult, almost hostile prospective client? Respond to their sales objection with “Verbal Judo”!
Home owners love technicians who love pets!
You can’t go wrong focusing on customer’s kids and pets. Steve shares how he programmed in some “pet positive” Moments of Truth into his technician’s daily routine …