Don’t give up after they go with ‘someone else’!
All salespeople need to know how to deal with rejection. It is part of the process… Steve shares his favorite tips to overcome rejection.
All salespeople need to know how to deal with rejection. It is part of the process… Steve shares his favorite tips to overcome rejection.
There will always be unsolvable problems in your customer’s home or business. How can you avoid endless callbacks to “fix the unfixable”? Here’s a simple reminder …
Today’s customer will post a negative online review BEFORE calling you! So get proactive by calling the client BEFORE they reach their computer keyboard!
Promoting “word-of-mouth” referrals has always been the most effective business marketing. Online reviews are even better!
Can you find your profitable “Sweet Spot” in the cleaning and restoration industry without hiring full-time workers?
Steve offers 5 tips to start growing into a CMB today.
How can you define your ‘highest and best use’ in business, and thus guarantee your family’s future financial security?
Are you busy, busy, busy? If so, CONGRATULATIONS! ‘Busy’ for sure beats sitting around hoping/ praying that your phone will ring! But sorry that is not enough …
What factors should a California cleaner consider before helping out his local food bank? Steve offers his insights.
The TOP TWO REASONS to get loser people out of your business (and life) NOW!
Stop putting off important firings, vainly hoping the person will ‘improve’ (not gonna happen!) or at least quit on their own!
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Are you sure you want to sell? Here are some other options. Also, what factors do many people miss when preparing their business for sale?
Use this QuickTIP before your spring rush to avoid internal rupture faucet leaks that cause an “unpaid water damage loss” and very unhappy clients!
How you use your time matters. Steve offers 5 ideas for efficiently conquering your local market area.