TOP TEN “How to Make More Money” #6: Develop niche services

Quit competing against the far-too-COMMON “Clean Any Size Living Room, Dining Room and Hall for …” bozos. Instead, offer UNCOMMON “special niche services”!

How should I pay an outside commercial cleaning sales rep?

A commercial cleaning firm is facing problems with a recently hired outside commercial rep. Steve tells them what they should have done and still can do!

Focusing on the “right” cleaning business goals (Part 2)

Growth for the sake of bragging rights is meaningless, dangerous and might just possibly be fatal to your company. Chuck focuses on how to find the right numbers and how to make them even better.

How do I get started in contract commercial carpet cleaning?

A San Diego carpet cleaner has some equipment but lacks experience. Even more importantly he doesn’t have any JOBS! Steve shares how to sell commercial contract carpet cleaning …

How should a carpet cleaning company answer the phone?

A Baltimore carpet cleaner has a new toy! A very sophisticated phone system with all the bells and whistles. But Steve reminds him that the basics still count …