Adding this “Extra Services Check List” will promote “Additional Service Options”!

Sometimes the best quickTIPS focus on the little things. For example, how much money are you “leaving on the table” simply because your client doesn’t know everything that your company offers?

What percentage of your carpet cleaning business is “repeat”? Are you sure? Really?

All of us brag about our “imagined percentages” of repeat clients. Comments like this are common at every SFS seminar: “Yeah, over 90% of my clients are repeat business.” But honestly, have you ever put a magnifying glass on this claim? (Steve confesses he was guilty of this empty bragging too!) One very capable SFS member did and here is what they found out …

Did you know your carpet cleaning technicians are “addicts”?

You would never knowingly hire a heroin addict, would you? And yet you are allowing another equally insidious addiction to continue without trying to stamp it out. Steve shares one sure-fire (but very painful) “tough love” approach …

Give your fire and water damage insureds a tasty way to remember you!

It has been well said, “the way to the heart lies through the stomach.” Read how you can create a great Moment of Truth with a traumatized restoration client with some very memorable but “personalized” comfort food …

Strategies for Success Seminar- February, 2010 (Dallas, TX)

There was a lot of energy in Dallas last week at Jon-Don’s most recent Strategies for Success seminar held at the Jon-Don Garland, Texas store. It was a pleasure to work with such an exceptional (if somewhat rowdy!) class. So what did these very capable, no-nonsense entrepreneurs have to say about their SFS experience …

Which type of carpet cleaning business “boat” will you choose to sail on?

Chuck Violand has been kicking off the Strategies for Success seminar for the last couple of years reflecting on his love of boats … and how different business models are like varied boats- all of which require different skills and tactics to avoid a tragic shipwreck. So which type of boat are you skippering? Check back in frequently to see Chuck’s latest thoughts …

I’m getting beat up on this upholstery cleaning job!

A harried Florida cleaner is battling an upholstery cleaning problem. Steve explains that sometimes the best thing to do is “throw in your cards” but do so with honor and dignity …

Should I go with a “one stop package” carpet cleaning “business opportunity”?

When entering a new industry it can be an oh-so-very-overwhelming journey. So it is tempting to go the pre-packaged equipment route, especially if the company offers you a “protected territory” for your carpet cleaning business. But Steve says to be very, very careful. After all, you are putting one more link in the “supplier chain” …

How professional carpet cleaners can get local small business consulting … FREE!

Even the Bible says that “in the multitude of counselors there is salvation”. And yet, being the stubborn, mule-headed entrepreneurs that we are, we continue to insist on going it alone. One SFS member shares a great idea on outside advice. Even better, this help is FREE!

Opportunities abound everywhere for selling professional commercial carpet cleaning!

Read how SFS members Larry and Elissa Holder patiently (and sneakily) sowed the seeds that just may lead to some HUGE commercial carpet cleaning contracts from the U.S. government!

What can carpet cleaners take away from the Toyota mess?

As a professional carpet cleaning entrepreneur you have built a great and unshakable reputation for quality. Or have you? Steve Toburen analyzes how a complacent attitude can quickly sink a recognized world leader in quality …