Words to live by and not just for carpet cleaners either!!!

How do you sum up life in one paragraph? Does it even remotely involve your truck mount, pre-spray, cleaning solution or other cleaning equipment? We sure hope not! Brian Dyson of Coca Cola has done a very nice job of helping everyone (carpet cleaning and restoration professionals included) keep focused on the really important things in life …

As a “just starting out” carpet cleaner should I buy expensive or low cost cleaning chemicals?

True or false- “Every penny counts when you are a brand new carpet cleaner.” Steve’s answer to a neophyte North Carolina, new to carpet cleaning, may surprise you. Here’s a hint: the cleaning chemical supplies you buy are not the most important factor …

Avoiding problems with multiple carpet cleaning price promotions …

Nobody likes misunderstandings or arguments and especially with a testy customer who feels like she has been “betrayed” on her carpet cleaning pricing. Here is a very simple way to keep all your advertised price promotions straight and heading off ugly confrontations before they start …

How I promoted my carpet cleaning business at my BNI group by ripping Steve Toburen’s stuff off!

They say “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. If so, SFS member Dave Pastor very “sincerely” likes our SFS Director of Training. Read how Dave blew away his local BNI group by sharing a few key SFS ideas. Then learn how you can use these same concepts in your company. (Even without attending SFS!)

Why won’t my wife get on board with my new carpet cleaning venture?

A prospective Denver carpet cleaner has caught the “entrepreneurial cleaning bug” but his wife just isn’t excited about this new development. Steve timidly ventures into the “family counseling” field with some hard-learned wisdom from his own experience in cleaning up …

How can you motivate your carpet cleaning or restoration employees?

Do you like your job? Do your techs and office staff like their jobs? Do you know OR are you afraid to ask them? Insights to both their and your motivations can give some engaging and maybe even frightening answers …

Strategies for Success Seminar- March, 2010 (Jon-Don Chicago, IL)

49 business people spent 5 entire days learning how to make their carpet cleaning and restoration businesses more successful. They found out that making money in the cleaning business is about much more than equipment and supplies …

The need to keep your carpet cleaning business “sailing forward” with sales!

Chuck loves sailboats and he loves business too! So it is only natural that he would draw parallels between the two in when teaching the opening day of Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success. For example, Chuck says that money and sales are the “wind” that not only move your business forward but even help keep it afloat …

“What can I do to pay the bills till my carpet cleaning business kicks in?”

In a perfect world your first clients would all be clamoring for clean carpets BEFORE you even open your doors for business. Surprise! It doesn’t work that way, as one slightly disillusioned Kansas City carpet cleaner is finding out …

Mike Lamunyon transforms his restoration company with SFS/VAST!

27 year industry veteran Mike Lamunyon has transformed his company with Value Added Service concepts. Every single one of his 20 plus employees are on board with the Value Added Service techniques taught by the Strategies for Success (SFS) seminar and Jon-Don’s one day “Valued Added Service for Technicians” (VAST) class. Check out what these programs could do for your company …

Are you “sailing against the cash-flow wind” as a professional carpet cleaner?

As Chuck reflects on how the typical carpet cleaning or restoration business is much like a boat he focuses on your business wind- MONEY! No money? Then as a business you are “dead in the water”. A simple concept? Yes. But at times agonizingly difficult to implement. Read on for Chuck’s meditations …

“Information age” to the “conceptual age”- where do I fit in?

You may be “just a carpet cleaner” but have you ever been accused of being “a blue-sky person”? Do you recall information better when it is explained in story form? Have you noticed that one of your child’s favorite sayings is “Mommy, read me a story?” If your head is nodding up and down, you are going to love this book.

Can I build a “Honda/Accura” carpet cleaning business model?

A premium Georgia carpet cleaner looks to expand into the budget cleaning market with a “parallel operation” operated with his existing staff and building. Steve isn’t real positive but would like other cleaner’s thoughts. Read and chime in …