Using a Telephone Format
The dreaded question of “how much?” meets it’s match in this Special Report.
The dreaded question of “how much?” meets it’s match in this Special Report.
If you want a Critical Mass Business (one that can run well without you) it can’t be “all about you”. You have to learn to communicate well.
Does a residential cleaning preinspection save money or waste money? Consider these advantages for pre-inspecting new clients.
Obviously no 12 point Report is going to cover everything you need for success in restoration, but our guess is you will find downloading “12 Secrets for a Smoother Running Restoration Business” well worth your time.
Negative online reviews are a tempting way to vent. Your problem? A negative review can stick around “forever”!
Be smart. Choose your words wisely when speaking with Customers. Steve gives three examples to put into practice today and everyday.
Knowing when to walk away is critical for all service industry professionals. For restorers dealing with insureds even more so.
It is vital to communicate to employees your company’s daily, weekly and long term priorities. Here’s one way to do it …
All customers want to FEEL like they are in control! Here’s how you can give them the “ILLUSION of Control”…
Listen carefully: The vast majority of your “Why are you so expensive…?” customers don’t really care about price!
Communication systems help avoid costly misunderstandings and promote a professional, trusting relationship.
By “pre-communicating” both you and your client 1) avoid ugly surprises and 2) develop a mutually respectful professional relationship.
There’s an epidemic of Beta Talk in business today and I think it’s hurting rather than helping.
The “Let me check with…” response is usually an “evasion tactic” to avoid the more accurate (but extremely adversarial) customer reply, “You are waaaaaay more expensive than the other guys!” What should you do?
Showing respect for someone doesn’t have to be grand and flashy. There are countless, every-day ways in which it can be demonstrated.