The two BIG responsibilities of a good leader …

Most of us entered the carpet cleaning industry by the “back door”- as technicians first. No shame in that. But sooner or later most carpet cleaners must morph into being a “leader” in their company. Being a good leader is both simpler and infinitely more difficult than you may have ever imagined …

Feeding your carpet cleaning troops …

Do you ever feel like you are leading the troops in a daily war? Chuck Violand brings up that your soldier employees need much more than a pay check. They need emotional support and comfort. How can you deliver? One great way is with FOOD!

How a “simple act of human kindness” can pay off big time with a fire and water damage restoration customer!

First impressions are lasting impressions. Start off on the right foot with your disaster restoration customers by showing genuine care and concern. How? By simply paying attention. Read on for the details …

Why won’t my wife get on board with my new carpet cleaning venture?

A prospective Denver carpet cleaner has caught the “entrepreneurial cleaning bug” but his wife just isn’t excited about this new development. Steve timidly ventures into the “family counseling” field with some hard-learned wisdom from his own experience in cleaning up …

How can you motivate your carpet cleaning or restoration employees?

Do you like your job? Do your techs and office staff like their jobs? Do you know OR are you afraid to ask them? Insights to both their and your motivations can give some engaging and maybe even frightening answers …

10 Questions Every Cleaning and Restoration Business Should Ask!

Check out these 10 questions that just may keep you from joining the 80% of start-up businesses that fail within their first decade. Then share with your fellow board members other vital questions that have kept you safe, sane and profitable …

How can I target the right age group for residential carpet cleaning?

A New York carpet cleaner poses a thorny question, “What is the average age of my customer”? In typical Steve Toburen fashion he takes the “long way around” before answering the original question. But Steve’s long-winded reply contains some great insights on the Emotional Dynamics of the home owner/technician relationship …

One carpet cleaner’s house building odyssey after attending “Strategies for Success” …

Good morning, Steve,

Even though I own my own carpet cleaning business I have also been building my own house and contracting it out myself. The people I am coming across are astounding! These “professional” businesses and contractors have absolutely no customer service.

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Stay Focused!!!

“I solve problems. That is what I do.” How often have you thought that this mantra essentially sums up your business life as a carpet cleaner? And yet Chuck Violand shows that this constant “desperation problem solving” may actually hinder instead of help your cleaning business …