How should we pay our first cleaning tech?
A Buffalo, NY owner-operator muses on how to fairly pay his first full-time employee. Steve shares some important Compensation Principles …
A Buffalo, NY owner-operator muses on how to fairly pay his first full-time employee. Steve shares some important Compensation Principles …
Recent SFS graduate Wayne Bailey can’t wait to transform his carpet cleaning company for the better. Read on to see what changes he is making first …
The first Strategies for Success class to be held in Salem, NH was one for the ages. Cleaners and restorers from across the New England states learned what it takes to be successful in the cleaning industry.
No one wants your previous customer’s “issues” brought into their home. So keep your clothes problem (and lint/ fiber/ dander) free with this little TIP …
Did you start your own business because you were bored/frustrated/unemployable??? Chuck Violand warns against the “Business ADHD Leadership” trait.
IF you are going to hire employees you must “do it right”. Steve shares one great tip on where to find them …
Too many cleaning and restoration professionals flounder with managing their business due to the demands of NOW! So how can you stay on top of your marketing, strategic planning and your long range vision?
Illinois carpet cleaner Brad Macauley found the push he needed to make a real change for the better in his business and life. How and why did he do it?
Read on …
“Big Billy” Yeadon shares his favorite online watering holes for the latest and greatest in marketing and management tips.
A comment from last week’s SFS class:
“This class is a no brainer for starting up or existing businesses.” See more reviews …
Use this tip to keep the kids safely occupied while you clean. And who knows… maybe little Johnny will beg Mommy to have you come back again real soon!
This can be a lonely business but cleaners are fighting back by spontaneously organizing “get-togethers”. Steve gives us an ongoing inside view of the most “informal” gathering out there…
SFS columnist Ivan Turner can pull business (and life) lessons from the most unusual experiences. Today he focuses on the frustration of TRYING to pour dark, rich, life-giving coffee!
Inevitably home owners feel invaded and vulnerable with strangers working in their home. Reassure and calm their traumatized emotions by respecting their “most private spaces” …
So can a small family operation really compete against the big companies? In this dispatch a Chicago area owner-operator explains how SFS “Cheerleader concepts” transformed his business.