Our TOP TEN “QuickFix” Business Solutions
Your biggest “challenge”? Getting hit with the same OLD PROBLEMS over and over again and NOT DOING ANYTHING TO SOLVE THEM!
Tried and proven Techniques, Ideas, Procedures and Systems (TIPS) that have been submitted from Strategies For Success members. If you would like to join the fun you can submit your own as well!
Your biggest “challenge”? Getting hit with the same OLD PROBLEMS over and over again and NOT DOING ANYTHING TO SOLVE THEM!
It has become a tradition! Steve’s end-of-the-year TOP TEN list! (And thank you for every time you clicked on one of my QuickTIPS in 2014!)
Change your Business Infrastructure to avoid ugly, profit destroying negative Moments of Truth!
Today’s truck mounts are VERY reliable. But TM’s are machines and machines still break down, don’t start and/or CONSPIRE to destroy your business!
No amount of money will completely “heal the irritation” of an impatient customer waiting (and waiting and waiting) for your return call. So give your caller “hope”
What are “Valid Business Questions”? Steve gives sample questions to help you build confidence with the customer and make the sale.
Steve agrees with healthy debate between cleaning and restoration professionals. However arguing cleaning methods is not a good idea. Here’s why…
Tools in our industry can range from the massive to the sophisticated. So why my love affair with “duckbills”?
How can you make it simple for your techs to influence how the customer FEELS about them? Here’s one simple, powerful tip.
Equipment breaks down. Its part of production and nature of our industry. It’s OK. But continously sending damaged equipment back into the field is NOT ok. Here’s how to break the cycle…
Let’s wrap this series up with my one-two punch that will make a complaining customer absolutely fall in love with your company.
No matter how good you are a few clients will STILL complain. (And you can only HOPE they call you instead of nailing you on the Internet for 1,000’s of prospective customers to read!)
What do you do when an unhappy client actually wants to USE your “100% delighted guarantee”! GRRRR! This is so unfair since you did a “good job”! Listen carefully here..
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
It infuriates customers to see your workers (or sub-contractors) “dilly-dallying” on their smart phones instead of getting the job done.