What can a carpet cleaner present at a “ladies club” meeting?

Wouldn’t it be great to get “up close and personal” with over 100 top prospects for your carpet cleaning services? That is where one Minneapolis carpet cleaner finds himself, but how can he make the best of his opportunity?

Pre-orient/ educate your carpet cleaning clients

Win Customer Cheerleaders by briefly explaining the cleaning process and how you are going to do it. Your goal is to give the home owner enough knowledge to FEEL in control.

Is there a down-side to the “Five Around” door hanger concept for carpet cleaners?

One California carpet cleaner wants to know if he could be sued in a house break-in where supposedly the thieves targeted the home after seeing the door hanger outside. Hmmm … good question! Where do you folks come up with this stuff! Steve takes the query and runs with it …

Turning the tables on those pesky “Price Shoppers”!

Tempted to just tell in-your-face price shoppers to go ahead and try your friendly local “bait and switcher” low-ball competitor? A better option is …

High or low pricing- which way to go?

A local Dallas carpet cleaner is already successful as a “prestige priced”, high end owner-operator. But now he is questioning his business model and his future …

Banning the “E-word”- Help your prospective customers focus on more than price!

price estimate cleaning

Carpet cleaners all over the world fall into the old “just gimme an estimate” trap with potential carpet cleaning customers. Fight back with this simple change in terminology …