Tweaking a great carpet cleaning marketing tool: “The door hanger”-Part I

There are a lot of new razzle-dazzle marketing tools out there and many show great promise. We’ll keep you up to date. BUT, Steve Toburen reminds us that for carpet cleaners nothing replaces footwork and getting a physical reminder into the customer’s home. Check out this twist on a standard carpet cleaning marketing tool- the door hanger.

How to skillfully pitch your commercial carpet cleaning services

Preparation is key to any sales presentation. What tools are required for making the big sale in commercial carpet cleaning? What should be avoided? Bill Yeadon offers his insights to closing the BIG sale.

Can I increase my profit on carpet cleaning sales by peddling carpet spotter?

We all want to increase profit per job. But Steve warns against getting distracted peddling product for pennies when you could be making Cheerleaders (aka. word of mouth referral machines). How?? GIVE AWAY a bottle of “Free Lifetime Spotter” to every customer …

How “Duct Tape Marketing” can help a small carpet cleaner …

Most readers of this web site are great carpet cleaners and even better people! (After all, every single site contributor on here comes from the cleaning industry!) But as a group, carpet cleaners’ marketing skills stink! Big Billy Yeadon offers some “Duct Tape” to patch up your marketing techniques …

How can cleaning and restoration contractors ‘differentiate’ themselves from their competitors?

Bill Yeadon starts each marketing class at SFS by asking “How do you ‘differentiate’ yourself from the competition?” This is one of the hardest questions you as a carpet cleaner will ever answer. A recent post by Steve Yastrow not only explains why this “differentiation process” is important but also explores a unique way of how to do it …

Dramatically increase your carpet cleaning profits with this “protected with Scotchgard” question!

This one simple question will super-charge your carpet protector sales AND put extra dollars in your pocket! Marketing Scotchgard is as simple as interviewing the customer and giving them their options. But even before this you need to ask the “Scotchgard Question” …

The Great Carpet Cleaning Pricing Debate- Part II

Big Billy Yeadon weighs in with what may be the most profitable way to price your carpet cleaning services as an owner-operator. In the final analysis it will be up to you. But first check out Bill’s musings …

How can I set my carpet cleaning service apart from the rest?

An Idaho carpet cleaner searches for ways to “differentiate” himself from the run-of-the-mill price-slashing carpet cleaner. Steve tweaks the original idea to promote more Scotchgard sales, improve customer loyalty and cleaning frequency and above all else dramatically increase profits!