Get the jump NOW on winter challenges!
A proactive cleaning and restoration contractor can beat winter challenges with these key steps!
A proactive cleaning and restoration contractor can beat winter challenges with these key steps!
What is of special concern? By focusing on what is “special” to your prospective client you seal the sale and create a future Cheerleader for your company.
Your customer has feelings and that should interest you. This tip will help you gain new appreciation for the impression you make.
Steve shares how to “transform” your company by focusing on the “Emotional Dynamics” of the home owner’s loss. (Even if you don’t offer restoration now many of the same principles apply in carpet cleaning too!)
Be smart. Choose your words wisely when speaking with Customers. Steve gives three examples to put into practice today and everyday.
“Putting on the on the Customer’s Eyeglasses” is my term for looking at yourself (and your actions on the job) through the eyes of your client.
IF your techs treat a devastated home the same as they do a normal residential cleaning then they will create “a disaster for your company”!
Making the Cheerleader is your prime objective but if you don’t get paid it doesn’t feel quite so good!
Your customer’s biggest challenge? Choosing a cleaning or restoration contractor when they can’t “try on” your work BEFORE you perform it in their home or business.
No amount of money will completely “heal the irritation” of an impatient customer waiting (and waiting and waiting) for your return call. So give your caller “hope”
The best business books aren’t just about business; they give you tools to improve your communication skills and/or increase your powers of influence. Bill explores how to create a “story”.
How can you make it simple for your techs to influence how the customer FEELS about them? Here’s one simple, powerful tip.
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
Clutter is a fire hazard, a Negative MOT and even worse it breeds… more clutter! So here is a No-More-Clutter Checklist
False information abounds about newsletters and their value. Bill breaks down multiple misconceptions and gives solid reasons to use them in your company.