Winning over a traumatized fire or water damage client!

Tired of getting blown off by adjusters? Then prove to them that you will make their lives easier! Steve shares a great tip on getting the loss started off right.

Create Customer Cheerleaders by making friends with their children …

The health and well-being of the home owner’s family is a huge motivation to have their carpets cleaned. So how should you (and your employees) treat the little ones in the house? Here are some great ways to put the kids (and their parents) at ease while you are cleaning the carpets …

Feeding your carpet cleaning troops …

Do you ever feel like you are leading the troops in a daily war? Chuck Violand brings up that your soldier employees need much more than a pay check. They need emotional support and comfort. How can you deliver? One great way is with FOOD!

The Great Carpet Cleaning Pricing Debate- Part II

Big Billy Yeadon weighs in with what may be the most profitable way to price your carpet cleaning services as an owner-operator. In the final analysis it will be up to you. But first check out Bill’s musings …

Use “sound” in your carpet cleaning marketing strategy

OK, a good marketing strategy trivia question for all you carpet cleaners. Which sound associated with a brand name is rated #1 in the world? Most of you hear this sound several times a day. Have everyone in your family guess and then we’ll see who wins …

“Information age” to the “conceptual age”- where do I fit in?

You may be “just a carpet cleaner” but have you ever been accused of being “a blue-sky person”? Do you recall information better when it is explained in story form? Have you noticed that one of your child’s favorite sayings is “Mommy, read me a story?” If your head is nodding up and down, you are going to love this book.

How can I target the right age group for residential carpet cleaning?

A New York carpet cleaner poses a thorny question, “What is the average age of my customer”? In typical Steve Toburen fashion he takes the “long way around” before answering the original question. But Steve’s long-winded reply contains some great insights on the Emotional Dynamics of the home owner/technician relationship …

One carpet cleaner’s house building odyssey after attending “Strategies for Success” …

Good morning, Steve,

Even though I own my own carpet cleaning business I have also been building my own house and contracting it out myself. The people I am coming across are astounding! These “professional” businesses and contractors have absolutely no customer service.

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