The two BIG responsibilities of a good leader …

Most of us entered the carpet cleaning industry by the “back door”- as technicians first. No shame in that. But sooner or later most carpet cleaners must morph into being a “leader” in their company. Being a good leader is both simpler and infinitely more difficult than you may have ever imagined …

How can cleaning and restoration contractors ‘differentiate’ themselves from their competitors?

Bill Yeadon starts each marketing class at SFS by asking “How do you ‘differentiate’ yourself from the competition?” This is one of the hardest questions you as a carpet cleaner will ever answer. A recent post by Steve Yastrow not only explains why this “differentiation process” is important but also explores a unique way of how to do it …

The Great Carpet Cleaning Pricing Debate- Part II

Big Billy Yeadon weighs in with what may be the most profitable way to price your carpet cleaning services as an owner-operator. In the final analysis it will be up to you. But first check out Bill’s musings …

So can I build a business that will run without me “pushing a wand”?

Are you enjoying the lifestyle benefits of living in the countryside? GREAT! This small town carpet cleaner asks, “Can I build a ‘real business’ in a market base of only 30,000 people?” Steve shares how he did it …

How can I set my carpet cleaning service apart from the rest?

An Idaho carpet cleaner searches for ways to “differentiate” himself from the run-of-the-mill price-slashing carpet cleaner. Steve tweaks the original idea to promote more Scotchgard sales, improve customer loyalty and cleaning frequency and above all else dramatically increase profits!

A few thoughts on successfully skippering your carpet cleaning venture …

Chuck Violand sums up his recent posts comparing your carpet cleaning and/or restoration business to different types of sailing vessels with a few reminders for you, the captain of the boat. Chuck’s thoughts could mean the difference between a successful voyage or the disastrous “shipwreck” of your business …

“Toto, I don’t think we’re cleaning carpet in Kansas anymore!”

What do Rock & Roll, Toto, and Facebook have to do with your cleaning business? Value conscious customers!! Big Billy Yeadon advises carpet cleaners to keep an eye on their company image in this new economic climate. So how and what are you contributing to your community?

Should carpet cleaners accept credit cards?

One veteran professional carpet cleaner in California has been debating the pros and cons of offering the credit card payment option to his clients. Steve helps him realize he has already sub-consciously decided …

How professional carpet cleaners can get local small business consulting … FREE!

Even the Bible says that “in the multitude of counselors there is salvation”. And yet, being the stubborn, mule-headed entrepreneurs that we are, we continue to insist on going it alone. One SFS member shares a great idea on outside advice. Even better, this help is FREE!

What can carpet cleaners take away from the Toyota mess?

As a professional carpet cleaning entrepreneur you have built a great and unshakable reputation for quality. Or have you? Steve Toburen analyzes how a complacent attitude can quickly sink a recognized world leader in quality …