The pre-paid “Stay Beautiful” maintenance program for residential carpet cleaning

Are you tired of being beat up by the “Great Recession”? Are your customers increasing their times between cleanings and/or having less done when they do call you? Many of our SFS members have implemented the “Stay Beautiful” residential “service contract” which guarantees your customer beautiful carpets forever AND they report great results. Download this FREE Special Report …

How to Transform Your Restoration Business

Steve shares how to “transform” your company by focusing on the “Emotional Dynamics” of the home owner’s loss. (Even if you don’t offer restoration now many of the same principles apply in carpet cleaning too!)

Cashing Out: Preparing Your Cleaning Business for its Eventual Sale

sell your business

When will you sell your business? Very few make plans for this very likely reality. Do it right with this Special Report.

Ten Essential Strategies for Success in a Tough Economy

This is a hard hitting Special Report with 10 Strategies that absolutely will transform your business- IF you implement them.