How to avoid getting hung out to dry on commercial carpet cleaning without a key …

Have you been stuck waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for your contact to show up and lock up after you finish a commercial carpet cleaning account? Nothing is more irritating and frustrating. If it has happened to you then you will “feel his pain” as a Salt Lake city carpet cleaner shares the typical “key boondoggle” …

Intimidated by residential carpet cleaning! What to do?

A Big Sky country janitorial business owner gets cold feet over his carpet cleaning endeavor. Steve reminisces on his days getting started in the carpet cleaning industry and points to light at the end of the tunnel. We all had our first cleaning job, didn’t we?

How your carpet cleaning or restoration company can not only survive but prosper with “Situational Awareness”!

Complacency, routine and arrogance have destroyed companies much bigger and (at one time) more successful than your cleaning or restoration operation. So how can you survive and even prosper in today’s extremely challenging business environment? Steve shares the concept of “S/A” …

How can I “step away” from my business?

This SFS graduate from Florida needs to get away from the day to day grind of his business. Is selling the company the only answer?