Skills to be a better business owner (Part III)

Chuck’s wrap-up on being a better business owner. By mastering the executive skill-set you will give yourself a big advantage in leading your company to success.

Frustrated with the “new” generation of employees?

It may be the most common lament from SFS members- “These young people don’t want to work like I did when I was young!” True … AND False. Big Billy shares two expert views of the “Millenials” entering the workplace…

Strategies for Success Seminar- March, 2012 (Jon-Don Chicago, IL)

“This is the only class I know of that gives you ALL the knowledge to expand and run your business. Your business will become a turn-key operation.”

Why can’t customer service always be this easy?

Everyone knows Big Billy has always been addicted to the coffee at Starbucks. Now his latest Starbucks experience has turned him into a raving fan. Future SFS attendees be warned …

So what “Success Skills” are you lacking? (Part I)

Sure, nobody cleans better than you do. Wonderful! We salute your hard work! And yet, are you still struggling after all these years? In this series Chuck Violand shares a few possible reasons why…

SFS Seminar- February, 2012 (Atlanta, GA)

“Following these instructions I will be making more money immediately, in the long-term and for life! Absolutely brilliant. I really appreciate everyone’s hard work. The food was amazing. Thank you to everyone at Jon-Don for giving me an incredible week and changing me for both work and for life.”