Can answering your phone be a negative thing?
So should you ALWAYS answer your phone 24-7? Steve says it all depends on the services you offer. So learn how to “sort” your incoming calls…
So should you ALWAYS answer your phone 24-7? Steve says it all depends on the services you offer. So learn how to “sort” your incoming calls…
A SFS graduate has been practicing his “cold call” techniques on his past accounts. Steve stresses the need to get the “Law of Large Numbers” on his side and to offer “zoned cleanings”.
Chuck winds up his series on “Swarm Management” by reminding us that generosity can doom your company. Instead, practice “tough love” by hiring based on the tasks ahead.
Industry web expert Joe Burnich reminds us that a great website doesn’t work without TRAFFIC! Google Adwords will put eyes on your site but it is up to you to make them profitable.
Need help getting organized (or staying so)? Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you fear Swarm Management has become part of your company.
A successful Oregon cleaning and restoration entrepreneur is empowering his project managers and other employees. Now they will be more fulfilled while the owner can focus on what he does best.
Tired of not having everything on the job or loss? Lower your employee’s stress (and your blood pressure!) with this “modularize” concept!
Are your Restoration techs focused on the “Emotional Dynamics” of the loss? You’ll make more restoration referrals with this easy checklist.
The property manager didn’t sign an authorization form for the emergency water damage work. Now what?
As a company grows, it’s easy to lose control. If you aren’t careful the company morphs into a creature that nobody recognizes and is neither efficient nor a fun place to work at!
Your prospect may view your work as a “price-driven commodity” UNTIL they “experience your quality”. Steve shares how to get paid while doing this!
An apparently successful Florida restoration contractor is fed up with the daily shenanigans he faces. Steve shares a concept and solution…
Chuck reflects on kids flailing away in pee-wee soccer (which is cute) and then translates this playing style to your company. Cute in business? Not so much…
A new Colorado carpet cleaner is trying to jump start his business by rehabbing a house for profit. But severe urine contamination threatens to derail his new truck mount purchase.
Your very best “Strategic Partner” is Jon-Don and the SFS program! But what other options are out there?