How should I pay an outside commercial cleaning sales rep?

A commercial cleaning firm is facing problems with a recently hired outside commercial rep. Steve tells them what they should have done and still can do!

To solve problems: “Less can be more”

How many times have you screamed, “Don’t just stand there- DO SOMETHING!” SFS instructor Chuck Violand explains the best strategy may be to “do nothing”…

“How much per square metre should I charge?”

Square foot, square metre- the question is the same! A new carpet cleaner in Great Britain is facing this pricing quandary and wants a formula for pricing. So Steve gives him one …

2011’s TOP FIVE articles!

What reached out and grabbed our cleaner and restorer readers during 2011? This recap let’s you know what our little “band of brothers” focused on last year. You STILL can act on any of these ideas. Just don’t let 2012 leave you in its dust.

Moment of Truth Restoration Checklist

This restoration “Moment of Truth” checklist structures the job so that while your employees are doing the restoration work, they are also giving the home owner positive Moments of Truth.

I don’t want to be rich- will SFS help me?

Steve applauds a Florida carpet cleaners decision to focus on his family instead of searching for riches. So can the Strategies for Success seminar help a “little guy” that just wants to stay small?