What are the best evaluation methods to use with our staff?

Evaluation and performance tracking systems require well thought-out and careful thought. ESPECIALLY with employee motivation/performance systems it is very important to avoid the “ready-fire-aim” syndrome! Here’s some ideas …

Let your customer CHOOSE their reminder frequency and medium

Most clients postpone their cleaning because it is (at best) a “tolerated irritation”. This makes customer reminders all the more important. Here’s how to do it …

Can you help me to “forward schedule”?

Steve does the old “good news/bad news” routine with an Australian carpet cleaner. But even Steve’s “tough love” is positive for this family run business…

How can I get my techs to be more like me?

Don’t expect to find clones of yourself in the employee marketplace. (And that’s a good thing!) Instead, Steve Toburen gives some alternatives to flogging your current employees.

How can I motivate my sales staff?

A California cleaning, restoration and flooring sales company owner is struggling with “demotivated” sales people. Steve shares some principles on how to run an upbeat sales meeting and how to help your staff (or you!) sell more jobs!

Reciprocal giving with FREE ‘Lifetime Spotter’

Steve shares the many benefits of giving a free Lifetime Spotter bottle to every client. Plus giving away Lifetime Spotter means you’ll almost never make a free spotting call on your 12 Month “Spot and Spill” Warranty Scotchgard customers!