How much should I charge in commercial cleaning?
This simple form will help you gather the information you need to know your true production costs and therefore how much to charge in commercial cleaning.
This simple form will help you gather the information you need to know your true production costs and therefore how much to charge in commercial cleaning.
Just what is a domain name and why are they important for cleaners and restorers? Steve calls in an expert to break down the basics of domain names and how to pick one for your cleaning company.
Sooner or later most of you will hire an employee(s). Much of the time your new hire will be an unmitigated disaster! SFS member John Mapes shares a great hiring tip…
Even after a “good job” most clients won’t refer you. This simple “Moment of Truth” checklist will have homeowners boost your cleaning customer referrals!
Instill in your office people that “The sale starts as soon as the phone rings.” Follow this five-step procedure to increase your phone-sales conversions.
You are a kind, generous person that delights in doing extra things for your clients AND at no charge. So why not get the credit for doing so and in the process create Cheerleader Customers? Steve shares a tip…
This water damage interview form gives a professional polish to your company while putting the customer at ease as you offer answers to all their concerns.
A veteran successful Sacramento cleaner confesses that he still hasn’t jumped on the Internet marketing band wagon. Steve suggests he keep on doing what he does best- and let the experts do their job!
Value Added Service is all about going the extra mile to make your customer happy. Here are a few options and tips on how to present your “no-charge” extras.
Most commercial prospects want just a PRICE from you. Here’s how to sell your contract cleaning services. How??? Use this Commercial Carpet Analysis.
If you are cleaning floors you must focus on the work AND the shoes you are wearing. Why? Because your client will be! So your technician’s shoes should reflect your company’s “Commitment to Cleanliness”.
Too many cleaners stumble through life flitting from one business model to another. So here’s a starting out checklist of business and life model options.
Keep all your small tools together and make fewer trips to your service truck by applying this tip. By being more efficient you will make more money!
Win over adjusters by consistently “bringing peace to their valley”. How to do this? With good 24-7 communication helped with high tech!
You’ve probably heard of leaving a “door hanger” on each house to the side and on the three homes across the street. Now Steve walks you through a MUCH better twist on this venerable “Five Around” concept!