Consider part time instead of full time workers
Ready to hire your first employee? Or maybe due to expansion you are eying the possibility of hiring more. Steve highlights the benefits of using part-time help.
Tried and proven Techniques, Ideas, Procedures and Systems (TIPS) that have been submitted from Strategies For Success members. If you would like to join the fun you can submit your own as well!
Ready to hire your first employee? Or maybe due to expansion you are eying the possibility of hiring more. Steve highlights the benefits of using part-time help.
Steve shares the fastest, simplest, cheapest (but not the easiest) way to get more jobs.
Become an expert consultant sincerely interested in solving your client’s problems and they will respond by becoming loyal (and very profitable) Cheerleader Customers.
Steve’s stack of regular commercial “Service Agreements” let him sleep much better. But he did want to SLEEP at night. Learn how Steve avoided doing late night commercial work with his “Creative Commercial Scheduling” technique!
When your customer says “thank you” how do you reply? Steve reminds us to “keep it positive” while reminding your client about reviewing you online.
When first meeting a prospective customer you must “break through” their skepticism. After your contact gives you a tour and shows you their “areas of special concern” simply ask this key question…
It is the little details (what we call positive “Moments of Truth” in SFS) that add-up when starting a business relationship.
Success in business is based on clear, honest and open communication between all involved. Make it easy with a Production Day Sheet.
What is the best way to “differentiate” yourself from your competition? Steve Toburen says displaying (and feeling) old-fashioned “care and concern” for your clients…
Why not REWARD your loyal customers and MOTIVATE them to refer your services? (Remember that if you don’t create Cheerleaders with Value Added Service NO ONE will refer you!)
When your customer says “Thank you” at the end of your job, how should you respond? I suggest flipping this exchange into a positive Moment of Truth with this reply.
Get off on the right foot with Momma and everyone will be happy. And especially you as you create “Employee Cheerleaders” who seldom quit!
Home owners decide if you have done a good job or a bad job based on how they FEEL about you. So the more “care and concern” you show for their home the better. Steve shares a neat little “prop” that helps you create Customer Cheerleaders!
Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say. The very best way to show you are really listening? Take “Immediate Action”! Read on for a simple but highly effective “Moment of Truth” when “pre-inspecting” before the carpet cleaning …
As business owners we tend to “cherry pick” and only do the stuff we enjoy and avoid what we dread. Yet it has been well said, “Success comes to those who will do what others won’t do.”